Sawyer is ONE! This has been the fastest year of my life. I truly can't believe that Sawyer is already a year old. I've enjoyed every second of this past year. It amazes me how much a baby learns and changes in just one short year. I would love to stop time, live in this moment for a little while longer, soak up every second of a barely one year old Sawyer and a four year old Wyatt, and make an infinite number of long lasting memories. I love my boys and I love being their mommy!
Sawyer James at One: Weighs 23 Lbs., Says "Dada, Bye Bye, Go", Tries to say "Thank you and Brother" ... you just can't quite understand either if you don't speak baby, Loves to eat everything and I mean everything, took first steps on 11.19.2014 and is now walking everywhere all the time.
Here are the moments I captured when we had a little cake smash on Sawyer's birthday!!